Ramiro Romero

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Ramiro Romero
FullStack Developer
  • Residence:
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  • Age:
Sequelize JS
  • Bootstrap, Material UI, Reactstrap
  • Webpack, Vite
  • Digital Ocean, Hostinger VPS
  • Git-Github
  • Debian Server, CentOS, Windows Server

File Control, Attention, Appointment Software CMCC


Project details

We are proud to present one of our most innovative projects: the comprehensive development of hospital management software for Centro Médico Comayagua Colonial (CMCC). We worked closely with the CMCC team to create a tailored solution that optimizes operational efficiency and enhances healthcare delivery.

Key Features:

  • Integrated System: We developed software covering key areas such as patient management, electronic health records, and appointment scheduling.
  • Specific Customization: We tailored the software to meet the specific needs and processes of Centro Médico Comayagua Colonial.
  • Staff Training: We provided detailed training to ensure a smooth transition and effective adoption.


The implementation of the hospital management software has significantly improved CMCC's operational efficiency, enabling more effective and personalized healthcare.

Functions of the Hospital Management System for Centro Médico Comayagua Colonial (CMCC)

  1. Patient Registration and Management:
  • Capture of demographic information.
  • Electronic health records.
  • Assignment of file numbers.

2. Appointment Scheduling:

  • Digital scheduling for doctors and specialties.
  • Automatic confirmations and reminders.

3. Appointment and Shift Management:

  • Efficient shift assignments.
  • Reservation and modification of appointments.

4. Medical Resource Administration:

  • Management of consultation rooms and operating theaters.
  • Allocation of medical resources according to needs.

5. Billing and Financial Management:

  • Generation of invoices and receipts.
  • Recording and tracking of payments.

6. Pharmacy and Inventory Control:

  • Management of medication inventory.
  • Integration with billing.

7. Laboratory and Electronic Health Records:

  • Recording and tracking of laboratory results.
  • Data integration into electronic health records.

8. Internal Communication:

  • Internal messaging among staff.
  • Automatic alerts and notifications.

9. Reports and Analysis:

  • Generation of medical activity reports.
  • Data analysis for decision-making.

10. Security and Controlled Access:

  • Role-based access and privileges.
  • Regular data backups for security.

11. Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface:

  • User-friendly design.
  • Staff training for effective adoption.

12. Integration with Medical Devices:

  • Connection with medical equipment for data input.
  • Ensuring interoperability.

These functions ensure that the hospital management system for CMCC is comprehensive, efficient, and capable of adapting to the specific needs of the medical center.

10 +
Years Experience
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